Joe McAllister's Delrin take down stocks are one of the best aftermarket parts I have purchased thus far for any of my custom builds. I liked the one he made for my 1377 "Ultra Carbine" so much, that I had to order another one. This time it would be for my 1740 "Raven". I had him make a built in power adjuster for the adapter so I could adjust my hammer spring preload easily. All I have to do is remove the stock by loosening the finger screw and on the back of the adapter is the adjuster which can be turned up or down using an allen wrench. Very convenient and hidden at the same time, I like it. He also included a cap to cover the adapter when the stock is removed, for those times I want to shoot it as a pistol. The stock fits me just perfect with a 12" LOP and my eye placement is spot on for the red dot sight I use. Very comfortable and very light.
Thanks to Joe for making me one to my specifications, it's perfect. If you are interested in checking out Joe's aftermarket Crosman parts you can see them at
Here is a couple of photos of it installed on my 1740 "Raven".
Edit: Joe asked me if I would let you all know that he is getting ready for a move and will not be able to finish any stocks other than the ones he has right now, until he gets moved and set back up again. He said he's leaving in less than 45 days, so give him some time to get things back up and running and he will be in full production again.